Fanvil Device Management System

The application is installed on the server of the control center to facilitate remote control, upgrades, maintenance, and configuration of terminals. It also manages access control cards and records.

Key Features:

  • The operating system is Windows Server 2012 with a B/S structure, making it easy to maintain and upgrade with a cross-platform application.
  • Terminal Management: Includes online status checks, auto-provisioning, remote parameter modification, terminal reset and upgrade, as well as batch upgrade and addition.
  • Access Card Management: Involves adding, deleting, editing, and distributing access cards.
  • Access Record Management: Encompasses synchronization, statistics, deletion, and query of access records.
  • Account Management: Covers account addition and deletion, address management, and sub-account management.

How to Obtain an FDMCS Account:

  1. Send an email to support@fanvil.com with the following details:
    • Company name
    • Email address (Note: The activation link for your FDMCS account will be sent to this email address)
    • Country
  2. A Fanvil engineer will initiate the account activation process, and the activation link will be automatically sent to the provided email.
  3. Upon clicking the activation link, users will be redirected to the FDMCS platform to complete the activation process by defining their user credentials.